A retrospective of my art dolls and latest paintings.
Life in the Bangladesh refugee camps.
Poetry by my Moroccan friend and teacher.
Poetry by me, when I am in the mood.
How risky is it to engage in relationships online? This work explores this phenomena.
Post in the Melbourne State Library.
Social Movement Theory. (No image available).
A Book of Affirmations based on my daily Facebook posts.
Art for Fun and Wellbeing is a collection of works by the therapy group in Foster, Victoria by the same name. Available at Amazon.com
This book celebrates the work of Geraldine Wogan-Browne and was created to accompany a memorial to this remarkable woman at the Manna Gum Community House in 2016. By Dr Chris James (Author). Review this item. http://Mythology and Meaning in the Chinese Brush and Ink Drawings of Geraldine Wogan-Browne. https://www.amazon.com/s/ref=nb_sb_noss?url=search-alias%3Dstripbooks&field-keywords=Dr+Chris+James+books+mythology+and+meaning+in+the+chinesse+brush+and+ink+drawings+of+geraldine+wogan-browne
Simple instructions to improve memory and maintain positive thoughts by Dr Chris James (Author).
Beyond the Mind’s Eye by Dr Chris James (Author)
This work offers simple principles and strategies for understanding and dealing with anxiety and depression. The presentation is easy to read and the graphics are colourful. Recommended for anyone who want’s to know more about coping with mental changes.
Robert Prudhoe’s Outsider Art
by Dr Chris James (Author)
Out of print.
How the brain distinguishes between love and lust. What is Love. Dr Chris James(Author).
Review this item.https://www.amazon.com/What-Love-Dr-Chris-James/dp/1539389588/ref=sr_1_1?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1488272594&sr=1-1&keywords=Dr+Chris+James+books+what+is+love